What’s The Word About Deer Antler Velvet Extract?

Every living creature comes equipped with a preinstalled “owner’s manual” that breaks down maintenance and repair information. Deer antler velvet extract are an example of this. Stags’ antlers develop in all deer species (female caribou and reindeer also produce them). A buck fawn’s pedicles, which serve as the basis for antlers, appear around 6 months of age. According to its owner’s handbook, antler growth and shedding are regulated by internal hormones and external light.

The cycle for deer antler velvet extract begins in spring

The growth cycle begins in April, when the days are lengthening. The tops of the pedicles produce antlers, which are the fastest growing animal tissue and can grow up to a quarter of an inch each day. The buck’s body produces biochemicals that tissue cells use for development, regeneration, and repair.

Velvet facilitates antler growth

The antlers are soft to the touch during this time, as they continue to develop. They are rife with blood vessels and nerves while they are still growing. The outside covering, known as velvet, is particularly hirsute at this point. The deer’s antlers need velvet for growth because its blood vessels and nerves provide growth factors and hormonal biochemicals. The deer bleeds profusely if the velvet is sliced or removed at this time, causing significant pain. Meanwhile, mineral deposits such as calcium and phosphorus gradually build up and replace the spongy tissue, turning the antlers into real bones.

When the blood supply to the velvet is cut off as summer turns to fall, bone deposition begins to restrict it. The velvet dries up and flakes away from the antlers when this is finished. Stags rub their antlers against trees to help them shed, and deer have been seen eating their old velvet. The testosterone levels of the stag begin to rise as daylight hours continue to decrease, signalling the start of breeding season, which lasts until late fall or early winter.

Finally, the shortest days of the year occur at the winter solstice, mating season comes to an end, and testosterone levels decrease. The pedicle seam of the stag’s bony antlers begins to erode now, according to its owner’s handbook. The antler detaches and drops off, leaving a bleeding depression that seals over quickly. In the spring, the process repeats itself.

Is deer antler velvet extract good for humans?

It’s not known when or how people first discovered that if velvet is good for dogs, it could be used to treat people. Antler velvet has been utilized as a medicine in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In our own time, numerous lab tests have revealed that velvet contains hormones, growth factors, amino acids, and other vital molecular messengers that can affect gene activity and encourage tissue growth/repair. In a nutshell, theoretical health advantages have been demonstrated by science. In particular, velvet is high in insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone that may promote anti-aging and performance-enhancing effects but also increases the risk of cancer. Here is just a shortlist of what people take antler velvet for:

  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Treat high blood pressure
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Strengthen the lower backand knees
  • Boost the immune system
  • Improve cognitive skills
  • Help with sexuality and fertility
  • Support women’s reproductive health
  • Protect men’s erectile function
  • The list goes on and on!

Conclusion for deer antler velvet extract

In conclusion, deer antler velvet extract is a natural supplement that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. It is high in growth hormone, which has been linked to various benefits such as anti-aging, increased muscle mass, and improved cognitive function. However, it also comes with some risks, such as the potential growth for cancer that’s already in the system.

27 thoughts on “What’s The Word About Deer Antler Velvet Extract?

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